Nestled in the quiet foothills of Oklahoma’s Wichita Mountains lies a land of idyllic beauty.

Our story

The region has captivated people throughout history with its diverse Southwestern wildlife and rugged landscape, including President Theodore Roosevelt, who established the area as the first game preserve in the United States – the Wichita Forest and Game Preserve – by presidential proclamation in 1905, preserving it for generations of Americans to enjoy.

Our grandfather, Charlie Martin (Pop), lived all his life in the region, long sharing Teddy Roosevelt’s fascination with the beauty of the place he got to call home. When a piece of land with a natural spring went on auction in 1970 near his home, he purchased the property for his family to enjoy.

After five generations of our family have spent countless summers there enjoying the natural spring’s swimming hole, stargazing, and hosting family reunions, Fourth of July celebrations, and even a wedding, Pop’s gift to his six grandchildren keeps giving. Now, the fourth and fifth generations of our family still congregate in the Wichita Mountains and continue to share the beauty of its natural springs with our growing family and friends.

About Our Water

Wichita Mountain Natural Artesian Water originates from the limestone foothills of Oklahoma’s Wichita Mountains - one of the oldest mountain ranges on earth. The mineral-rich water flowing from its natural springs has turned the dry semi-desert environment into an oasis with its cool, refreshing taste for generations, attracting the most diverse wildlife population in the Southwest and visitors worldwide to the region. Our pure natural mineral water provides a refreshing taste on a hot day.

Wichita Mountain Natural Artesian Water is bottled in our family-owned and operated facility in Southwest Oklahoma and regularly tested by the local state-approved lab.